Graphic by Kate Strassman

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Frozen Margarita? You aren’t alone.

Why Frozen Margaritas have momentum

Mike Berland


Two trends are colliding just in time for Cinco de Mayo: “Cocktails to go” has an MFactor of 25 while momentum for “Frozen Margaritas” is exploding from 1 to 13 in the last 60 days and on the rise.

Graphic by Kate Strassman
Graphic by Kate Strassman

For the first time since quarantine started, we are ordering, concocting and enjoying frozen margaritas again! The ability to have a frozen margarita in the comfort of our home, on our couches or in our bed with someone special may be one of the positive lasting impacts of the quarantine.

One only has to search search #frozenmargaritas on TikTok to be bombarded with recipe experimentation and new ways to make them at home to the tune of classic TikTok songs. Or turn to Twitter for tweets like “I just ordered a frozen margarita delivery from a restaurant and now I’m sitting in bed drinking it, and for the first time, I think I might flourish during this quarantine”.

And the momentum is only just beginning, with #frozenmargarita only at with 53.3K TikTok views (compared to #quarantini with 18.6M views) frozen margaritas are picking up momentum as one of the early signals that the seasons are changing to spring / summer.

Frozen Margaritas hit the 5 momentum drivers:

  • DISRUPTION: Frozen Margaritas have already disrupted our “canceled summer”. Despite the restrictions of social distancing, you can celebrate at home with your frozen margaritas wearing your sundresses and drinking them during the day on DIY rooftop bars and getting sun burned outside.
  • INNOVATION: Having a frozen margarita at home is putting a new twist on a classic. We’ve always enjoyed them at dinners, bars and on the beach. We’ve never really had a delicious, high quality, potent frozen margarita without worrying about driving home.
  • POLARIZATION: Are Frozen Margaritas the new banana bread? There’s a heated debate about how to take care of ourselves during quarantine: Some say we should use this time to eat, clean, work out and get in shape. Others say we should bake banana bread, indulge in Netflix and let the beards and mustaches grow wild. Banana bread was what we needed to keep us warm through rainy, chilly April. Frozen margaritas will keep us cool when we practice social distancing this summer.
  • STICKY: There’s always a drink of the summer, and this year it’s finally one that girls and guys can universally agree on: Frozen margaritas. Watch influencers post about them, memes come out, and then start craving them at every meal. Conclusively, frozen margaritas will be the drink of quarantine summer.
  • SOCIAL IMPACT: Frozen margaritas are undoubtedly making socially distanced Zoom happy hours a little less lame — a new twist on social impact, emphasis on social.

Watch: Sourdough yeast and bananas sold out last month. Pretty soon, there will be a run on tequila, salt and margarita machines. Stock up now. But don’t hoard; we want some, too!



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